About Us


RevisionMaths.com (formerly MathsRevision.net) was founded in 2004. In March 2010 the website was purchased by RevisionWorld Networks Ltd, who have owned RevisionWorld.com since 2007. Revision World Networks Ltd’s registered office is 3 Fairview Court, Fairview Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 2EX. Company Registration number 03767837.

In August 2015 the site was rebranded as RevisionMaths.com to co-inside with the launch of RevisionScience.com and RevisionVideos.com.

Our education materials are written by our team of freelance teachers who provide their services to ensure our materials are of the highest standard.

Of course materials can always be improved so if you have any great ideas of improvement feel free to email us.

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A member our team will then respond to you directly concerning this matter.

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