Revision World Advertising Options

Revision World was launched in 2007 with the aim of providing free revision resources for A-Level and GCSE students.

The Revision World Network also owns and

Promoted throughout the UK in secondary schools and sixth form colleges, our websites provide a vast audience for advertisers to reach:

  • Demographic - 16- 19 year olds
  • Over 14 million users a year across our 4 websites.
  • Over 7 million monthly page impressions
  • Student email list - 150,000
  • Teacher email list 20,000
  • Parent email list 6,000

Media Pack

You can download our latest media pack here

Advertising Formats

You can download our advertising specs here

Email Marketing

We can target students and teachers by:

  • Location (down to Postcode level)
  • Year Group/ Age Group
  • Subject Areas Studied

Mission Statement and CSR

As a social enterprise we believe in free education for all view our mission statement here.

Advertising and Marketing and PR Contacts

For all advertising, Marketing and PR enquiries please contact us by emailing or alternatively email


Pass Your GCSE Maths Banner
sign up to revision world banner